100 Hilarious Jokes for Phone Calls

Discover the hilarious moments that happen during phone calls in our Phone Call Jokes collection. These jokes highlight the unexpected humor and laughter that can ring true in our daily connections.

Whether it’s a funny conversation with a telemarketer or a hilarious mix-up with a wrong number, these jokes will brighten your day and give you a reason to smile every time your phone rings.

Telephone Call Jokes

1.  Why did the telephone break up with the internet?  Because it had too many connection issues!

2.  What do you call a phone that’s never charged?  A landline!

3. Why did the smartphone go to therapy?  It had too many touchy issues!

4. How do cell phones stay cool?  They use cell-fan technology!

5. Why did the telephone keep checking its weight?  Because it had too many missed calls!

6. Why did the scarecrow become a successful telemarketer?  Because he was outstanding in his field!

7. Why did the smartphone go to school?  It wanted to improve its “cell”-f esteem!

8..Why was the math book sad when it made a call?  Because it had too many problems!

9. How do you organize a fantastic space party?  You “planet” over the phone!

10. Why did the telephone wear glasses?  It lost its contacts!

11. Why do smartphones make terrible chefs?  Because they always drop the call!

12. What did one phone say to the other phone during their argument?  “You’re not hearing me!”

13. What’s a telephone’s favorite game?  Hide and speak!

14. How do you make a smartphone laugh?  Text it a funny message!

15. Why did the telephone sit on the bench at the park?  It wanted to be a “cell”-f seating arrangement!

16. What do you get when you cross a phone with a vacuum cleaner?  A “cell”-eaner connection!

Best Phone Call Jokes

“Embrace the humor of modern communication with our Phone Call Jokes. Share a chuckle with friends and family as we navigate the world of endless calls and funny conversations.”

17. How do you make a tissue dance?  You put a little boogie in it…and then call someone to tell them about it!

18. Why did the smartphone go broke? It spent all its money on apps-titutes!

19. What did one phone say to the other phone at the party? “Call me maybe?”

20. Why was the smartphone a good listener? Because it always gave its “ear” to the conversation!

21. Why don’t skeletons fight each other?  They don’t have the “guts” for it!

22. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?  Nacho cheese!

23. What do you call fake spaghetti?  An “impasta”!

24. “Why did the iPhone cross the road ? To get to the app store.”

Phone Call Jokes One Liners

25. “What do you call a group of smartphones? A text message.”

26. “Why did the cell phone need glasses?  To make a call to clearer.”

27. “Why don’t ghosts use smartphones?  They prefer to dial-ect.”

28. “What’s the difference between a bad connection and a bad date?  One you can end with a hang-up.”

29. “Why did the smartphone feel lonely?  Because it had no contacts.”

30. What did one wall say to the other wall?  “I’ll meet you at the corner!”  Let’s meet up for some good times!

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31. Why don’t skeletons fight each other?  They don’t have the guts. Lucky for us, we’re all about laughter and good times!

Phone Call Jokes For Friends

32. What did one phone say to the other phone during a game?  “Call me maybe?” Let’s keep the fun conversations going!

33. Did you hear about the coffee that got arrested?  It got mugged!

34. How do you organize a space party?  You planet! Let’s plan out some out-of-this-world conversations!

35. Why did the bicycle fall over?  It was two-tired! Let’s keep cruising on our phone calls!

36. What do you get when you cross a smartphone and a treadmill?  An exercise in futility.

37. Why was the phone always late for meetings?  It had too many missed calls.

38. How do you unlock a cell phone’s secrets?  Use a “cell”-ing pick.

39.  What do you call a haunted smartphone?  A “cell” phone-tergeist.

Landline Phone Jokes

40. “What did the landline phone say when it saw a smartphone?  ‘Get off my lawn!’”

41. “What do you call a landline phone that’s lost its voice?  A silent ring!”

42. “Why did the landline phone need glasses?  To dial 9-1-1 correctly!”

43. “What do you call a landline phone with an attitude?  A dial tone with sass!”

44. “What do you get when you cross a landline phone with a blender?  A telephone smoothie!”

45. “Why did the landline phone go on a diet?  It wanted to reduce its calls to long distance!”

46. “What did the landline phone say to the cordless phone?  ‘Nice try, but I still have the power cord!’”

47. “What did the landline phone say when it found out it was going to be replaced by a smartphone?  ‘I’ll be cordially disconnected!’”

48. “Why was the landline phone never a good swimmer ?  It was afraid of making long-distance calls!”

49. “Why was the landline phone always cold?  It had too many long distance calls!”

50. “What do you get when you cross a landline phone with a coffee mug?  A telephone tea party!”

Dirty Phone Call Jokes

51. Why did the smartphone go to therapy?  It had too many issues.

52. How do cell phones stay cool?  They use cell-fan technology.

53. What do you call a phone that’s never on silent mode?  A “ring leader.”

54. Why did the cell phone break up with the landline?  It needed space.

55. What’s a smartphone’s favorite game?  Hide and speak.

56. How do cell phones communicate?  They make “cell” calls.

57. Why did the smartphone bring a ladder?  To make a “cell” tower.

58. What’s a phone’s favorite type of music?  Anything with good “reception.”

58. What’s a cell phone’s favorite snack?  “Celery sticks.

59. What do you get when you drop a phone in the soup?  A “cell” signal drop.

60. Why did the smartphone apply for a job?  It wanted to make some “cell”-ary.

61. What do you call a phone that takes a lot of selfies?  Self-centered

Phone Jokes One Liners

Discover the hilarious moments that happen during phone calls in our Phone Call Jokes collection. These jokes and one liners highlight the unexpected humor and laughter that can ring true in our daily connections.

62. “Why did the smartphone wear glasses?  Because it had lost all its contacts!”

63. “Why don’t iPhones go on diets?  They’re already apple-shaped.”

64. “Why did the smartphone go on vacation?  To get a better signal.”

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65. “What do you call an angry iPhone?  A cellular scream.”

66. “Why did the smartphone go to therapy?  To work on its issues with auto-correct.”

67. “What’s the difference between a phone and a husband?  A phone can be replaced.”

68. “Why do Androids need therapists?  They have too many app-titudes.”

69. “What do you get when you cross a cell phone with a beer?  A hangover dialing finger.”

70. “Why don’t ghosts use iPhones?  They prefer to haunt androids.”

Smartphone Jokes

71. Why was the smartphone cold?  It left its Wi-Fi connection open!

72. Why did the smartphone always carry a map?  It didn’t want to rely on its “GPS” (Great Phone Sense)!

73. Why did the smartphone go to therapy?  It had a lot of app-issues!

74. Why did the smartphone become a chef?  It wanted to unlock the secret recipes!

75. What’s a smartphone’s favorite type of music?  Downloadable tunes!

76. Why did the smartphone go to school?  It wanted to become smarter!

77. How did the smartphone get in trouble at work?  It was caught surfing the web during business hours!

78. Why did the smartphone go to the beach?  It wanted to catch some waves and stream sunsets!

79. What did the smartphone say to the computer?  “You’re my main frame!”

80. How does a smartphone like its eggs?  “App-scrambled” or “iOver-easy”!

81. Why did the smartphone start a band?  It wanted to call it “The Ringtone Rockers”!

82. How did the smartphone win the race?  It had a strong “data” connection!

83. Why was the smartphone a good doctor?  It had all the apps for symptoms and diagnosis!

84. What’s a smartphone’s favorite season?  “App-le” season!

85. Why did the smartphone get a job at the circus?  It had a talent for “juggling” different tasks!

86. What did the smartphone say to the tablet?  “Let’s stay connected, touch screen!”

87. Why did the smartphone visit the dentist?  It needed a Bluetooth check-up!

88. How did the smartphone become a comedian ?  It mastered the “witty” apps and had a great sense of “humor”!

89. Why did the smartphone break up with its charger?  It found a wireless connection, and they went their own charging ways!

Old Telephone Jokes

“Dial into laughter with our Phone Call Jokes collection! These witty jests and puns celebrate the humor and quirks of everyday conversations.”

90. What did one telephone say to the other? “You’re too distant!”

91. Why did the smartphone go to school ?  It wanted to improve its cell-f!

92. Why do telephones always feel sleepy?  Because they have too many missed calls!

93. What did the cellphone do after breaking up with its charger?  It felt disconnected.

94. How do you make a telephone laugh?  Tell it a funny ring-tone!

95. Why did the telephone operator break up with the calculator?  Because it couldn’t count on it!

96. Why was the smartphone cold?  It lost its contacts!

97. How do you organize a fantastic telephone party?  You cell-ebrate!

98. Why did the telephone take a vacation?  It needed a little time to recharge!

99. Why was the smartphone so confident?  Because it had a strong Wi-Fi signal!

100. How does a telephone propose to another telephone?  “I ring you to be my partner for life!”

101. What did one telephone say to the other during an argument?  “Hang up and dial down your temper!”

102. How do you comfort a sad telephone?  You give it some cord-ial support!

103. What did the cellphone say to the WiFi?  “You’re my one and only connection!”

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104. Why did the telephone go to the beach?  It wanted to make some waves!

105. Why did the smartphone apply for a job as a DJ?  Because it knew how to play a good tune!

106. Why was the telephone always in trouble?  Because it kept getting caught in the cord.

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Broken Phone Jokes

Get ready to ring in the laughter with our broken Phone Jokes. These jokes and puns add a playful twist to the world of communication and connections.

106. What did the broken phone say to the other broken phone?  Let’s just be friends.

107. . What did the broken phone say when it finally worked again?  It’s about time!

108. . What did the broken phone say when its battery died?  That’s what I get for not charging!

109. What did the broken phone say when it took a tumble ?  That was quite a fall!

110. What did the broken phone say when it fell into a lake?  Float on!

111. What did the broken phone say after being forgotten in the rain?  I’m out of my element!

112. What did the broken phone say after dropping it from a roof?  I should’ve stayed in the house!

113. What did the broken phone say after crashing to the ground?  What a hard landing!

114. What did the broken phone say when it was heated up?  I’m melting!

115. What did the broken phone say when it was dropped in the toilet?  That was a close call!

116. What did the broken phone say after getting stepped on?  I’m flat out of luck!

117. What did the broken phone say after it was found in the sand?  That was a sandy situation!

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Dad Jokes About Phones

118. Why did the phone go to jail?  It made too many “cell” calls!

118. How does a phone stop a crime?  It dials emergency applications!

129. What did the phone say when it needed a break?  “I need to recharge for a bit!”

121. What did the phone say to the credit card at the party?  “You swept me off my feet!”

122. How do phones flirt?  They “text” their love interest!

123. Why did the phone attend therapy?  It had a lot of “app-issues” to work through!

124. What do you call a phone that was bitten by a vampire?  A “cell-bite” phone!

125. Why did the phone go to school?  It wanted to become smarter and learn about “smartphones!

126. What did the phone say to the calculator?  “You can count on me, buddy!”

127. How do old phones talk to each other?  They “wire” up and have a conversation!

128. What do you call a phone that fell into a blender?  A “fruit” phone smoothie!

129. Why did the phone bring sunglasses to the party?  It wanted to keep its “contacts” safe!

130. How did the phone apologize to the charger?  It said, “I’m sorry for all the “battery” behavior!”

131. Why did the phone join a band?  It had a “ringtone” voice!

132. What’s a phone’s favorite game to play?  “Hide-and-ring”!

133. Why was the smartphone always cold?  It left its Wi-Fi connection “open”!

134. How do phones communicate in the rain?  They use “cloud” data!

135. Why did the phone become a scientist?  It wanted to “celebrate cellular discoveries!

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Some Final Thoughts

These phone call jokes provide a source of amusement and laughter by showcasing the humorous moments that can occur during phone conversations, whether it’s funny misunderstandings, hilarious prank calls, or entertaining interactions with telemarketers.

So, the next time your phone rings, embrace the humor and let these phone call jokes bring a smile to your face.