100 Hilarious Jokes About Gorillas

Gorillas are one of the most beloved animals in the world, and it’s easy to see why. They’re strong, intelligent, and full of personality. But what about their sense of humor? Well, gorillas may not be able to tell jokes, but they sure can make us laugh with their antics and antics-inspired jokes.

So, if you’re in the mood for a good chuckle, here are some funny gorilla jokes that are sure to make you smile.

Best Gorilla Jokes

1. Why is it not advisable to engage in combat with a gorilla?

They are skilled in “King Kong-fu.”

2.  What flavor of ice cream is preferred by gorillas?

“Chocolate Chimp.”

3.  What attire did the gorilla don when cooking in the kitchen?

An “ape-ron.”

4.  What is the term for a Caucasian gorilla?

“Honkey Kong.”

5.  What do you call a large and grumpy gorilla?


6.  Did you hear about the gorilla that never jokes around?

He was extremely serious.

7.  What was unique about the gorilla who enjoyed classical music?

He was a “Silverbach.”

8.  What do you refer to as a gorilla originating from Vietnam?

A “Viet Cong.”

9.  What is the reason behind gorillas’ large fingers?

Their nostrils are huge!

10.  Which part of a gorilla is the hairiest?

The exterior.

11.  What do you term a gorilla locked up in jail?

A “kong-vict.”

12.  What dish did the gorilla order while visiting France?

“Ape Suzettes.”

13.  What should you feed a 700-pound gorilla?

Anything it desires, but then quickly run away!

14.  What was the specialty of the gorilla businessman?

“Monkey business.”

15.  What do gorillas learn first in kindergarten?

“Apey Cee’s.”

16.  What happens if you mix a parrot that speaks and a gorilla?

Not sure, but it’s best to pay close attention to what it says.

17.  Why did advertising executives hire a group of apes?

To run a “gorilla marketing” campaign.

18.  Why were the gorillas protesting outside the biscuit factory?

To halt the production of animal crackers.

19.  What is the preferred book for most high school gorillas in their English class?

“The Apes of Wrath.”

20.  What is a gorilla’s second favorite fruit after bananas?


21.  What should you do if you notice a gorilla sitting at your desk?

Find an alternative place to sit.

22.  Did you hear about the two apes that kept fighting?

It was “gorilla warfare.”

Funny Gorilla Jokes

Funny Gorilla Jokes are the best way to get a good laugh and bond with your friends and family.

Whether you’re looking for a good laugh at a party, or just want to start off your day with a smile, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a list of some of the funniest Gorilla Jokes around. Enjoy!

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23.  What did the gorilla say when he saw the elephant coming?

 “Here comes trouble!”

24.  What did the baby gorilla say when he stubbed his toe?

“Ape hurts!”

25.  Why did the gorilla break up with his girlfriend?

 She was always monkeying around.

26.  What did the gorilla do when he got a sore throat?

He went to see a doctor-illa.

27.  Why did the gorilla go on a diet?

He wanted to be a little less “ape-tite.”

28.  Why don’t gorillas ride bikes?

They can’t handle the bananas.

29.  What did the gorilla say when he caught a cold?


30.  Why did the gorilla bring a ladder to the party?

 He wanted to climb the social “ape-ladder.”

31.  Where do primates enjoy cooking sausages?

 On top of a gorilla.

32.  What is weightless but as large as a gorilla?

The gorilla’s silhouette.

33.  What attire did the gorilla choose while cooking in the kitchen?

 An ape-ron, of course.

34.  What do you call a gorilla playing quidditch?

 A Hairy Potter, of course.

35.  Why did the gorilla need to visit the vet?

 She was not peeling well.

36.  Why is it unwise to confront a gorilla?

 They are skilled in king kong fu.

37.  What type of monkey may feel under the weather?


38.  What fruit do gorillas enjoy eating second only to bananas?

 Ape-ricots, of course.

39.  Why was King Kong unable to climb the Empire State Building?

 He couldn’t fit into the elevator.

40.  What was the specialty of the professional gorilla?

 Monkey business.

41.  Which side of the gorilla is the hairiest?

 The outside, naturally.

42.  What is a gorilla’s preferred flavor of ice cream?

 Chocolate chimp, without a doubt.

43.  Did you hear about the classical music-loving gorilla?

 He was a silverback.

44.  Did you hear about the particularly serious gorilla?

 She didn’t mess around.

Funny Gorilla and Lion Jokes

Laughing is good for the soul, and you can always rely on a funny gorilla joke to bring a smile to your face. Gorillas are some of the most interesting animals on the planet, and their goofy behavior can provide plenty of laughs.

From puns to one-liners to hilarious stories, these funny gorilla jokes will have you rolling on the floor.

45.  Why did the gorilla visit the lion in jail?

 To give him a warm ‘ape’-ology!

46.  What does a lion cancel at the office?

Roar work!

47.  Why don’t gorillas have any money?

 Because they are always peeling it away.

48.  Why did the Gorilla go to the Lion’s house?

To get a Roar-mesan!

49.  What did the lion say to the gorilla when he saw him coming?

Whoop-de-doo, here comes the ape man!

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50.  Why did the gorilla cross the road?

To go to the banana stand!

51.  What do gorillas always say when they get angry?

Who are you calling an ape?

52.  What do you call a gorilla in the forest who’s always cracking jokes?

A joke-monkey.

53.  Why did the lion eat peanut butter?

Because he couldn’t roar it out of the jar!

54.  What did the Gorilla do when he heard a Lion joke?

 He roared with laughter!

55.  Why did the Gorilla cross the road?

 To get to the other side of course!

56.  What do you call a Lion and a Gorilla playing tag?


57.  What did the Gorilla do when it lost its car keys?

Ate them, of course!

58.  Why did the Lion buy earplugs at the store?

He heard they were on sale and figured he would have to stress less about hearing jokes from his gorilla friend.

59.   Why did the Gorilla cross the road?

To get to the banana stand on the other side!

60.  What do you call a Lion and a Gorilla playing tug-of-war?

 King of the Jungle Gym!

61.  What did the gorilla say when it was awarded a knighthood?

 “Oh, ape-solutely!”

62.  How did the lion greet his friends at parties?

 “Hey guys! Let’s roar!!!”

63.  What did the lion say to the gorilla after he told a joke?

 “Don’t ape my style!”

64.  What did the gorilla say to the lion?

“Let’s go bananas!”

65.  What did the gorilla say when he saw the lion?

 “Oh no, not again!”

66.  What did the gorilla say when he saw the lion?

Let me out of this cage before it gets any wilder!

Funny Jokes About Gorillas

67.  What fruit do gorillas enjoy eating second only to bananas?

Ape-ricots, of course.

68.  Why was King Kong unable to climb the Empire State Building?

He couldn’t fit into the elevator.

69.  What was the specialty of the professional gorilla?

 Monkey business.

70.  Which side of the gorilla is the hairiest?

 The outside, naturally.

71.  What is a gorilla’s preferred flavor of ice cream?

Chocolate chimp, without a doubt.

72.  Did you hear about the classical music-loving gorilla?

 He was a silverbach.

73.  Did you hear about the particularly serious gorilla?

She didn’t mess around.

74.  How do gorillas descend stairs?

They slide down the banana-ster.

75.  What’s the preferred band of chimpanzees?

 The Gorillaz, naturally.

76.  How do you repair a broken gorilla?

 With a monkey wrench, obviously.

77.  How did the primate realize it was unwell?

It sensed a stomach simian.

78.  What do you term a captive gorilla?

 A kong-vict.

79.  How can you prepare a grilled sandwich amidst the wilderness?

 Place it below a gorilla.

80.  Why did the ape flunk its test?

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 It lacked the necessary ape-titude.

81.  What is the preferred beverage of a gorilla?


82.  Why did the gorilla cross the street?

 To attend to some monkey affairs.

83.  What is needed for a forest wedding?

 A floral gorilla and a ring-bearing primate.

84.  What do you name an airborne gorilla?

 A hot air baboon.

85.  Why were the gorillas picketing outside the biscuit factory?

Their aim was to halt the production of animal-shaped cookies.

86.  Where do female gorillas prefer to go for a night out on the town?

Chimpendale’s is their go-to spot.

87.  On what do apes enjoy cooking their sausages?

They like to grill them on a gorilla-shaped barbecue.

Gorilla Jokes Funny Cartoon

88.  What is the initial lesson that gorillas are taught in school?

The ape b c’s are the first things they learn.

89.  Why was the female baboon attracted to the large gorilla?

He had an irresistible sex ape-peal.

90.  Apart from bananas, what is the second favourite fruit of gorillas?

Ape-ricots come in second on their list.

91.  Have you heard about the lady who applied gorilla glue in her hair?

Her ignorance knew no bounds.

92.  What do you name a gorilla who is inside a cement-mixer?

King Koncrete is the appropriate title.

93.  What was the zookeeper’s response to the curious gorilla?

 “No need to snoop around, buddy.”

94.  Why do gorillas refrain from voting?

They don’t involve themselves in ape-politics.

95.  Where do gorillas head to after work?

To the monkey bars, of course!

96.  What flavor of ice cream do gorillas enjoy?

Chocolate chimp, no doubt!

97.  What do you call a gorilla that is enjoying a banana in a fun way?

An ape peeling, of course!

98.  What pop group is the favorite of gorillas?

Bananarama, no doubt!

99.  Have you heard about the gorilla conflict between two apes?

Gorillas and orangutans wear “ape-rons” in the kitchen.

100.  Why were the gorillas protesting outside the biscuit factory?

 They wanted to halt animal cracker production.

101.  What attracted the lady baboon to the big gorilla?

 His sex-apeal.

102.  Did you hear about the girl who used gorilla glue in her hair?

Her foolishness knew no bounds.

103.  Why did the gorilla cross the road?

To get to the monkey business on the other side.

104.  What did the Gorilla say when his friend called him back on the phone?


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Final Thoughts

Gorillas may not be able to tell jokes, but you can tell by their expressions and behaviors that they have a great sense of humor. So next time you’re looking for a good laugh, give these funny gorilla jokes a try. Who knows, you might just end up with a smile on your face!