100 Hilarious Jokes About Cousins

Cousins are often considered the first friends we make in life, and for many of us, they remain an important part of our lives. Whether you grew up playing together, or only see each other at family gatherings, cousins share a special bond that can be celebrated with laughter and humor.

jokes are a great way to bring the family together and create lasting memories. From witty observations about family dynamics, there are endless possibilities when it comes to sharing a laugh with your favorite cousins. So, if you’re looking to add some humor to your next family get-together, look no further than these funny jokes about cousins.

Funny Cousins Jokes

1).   Why did the tomato blush?   Because it saw the salad dressing.

2).    Why did the chicken cross the playground?   To get to the other slide.

3).   How did the farmer fix his jeans?   With a cabbage patch.

4).  What did one plate say to the other? Dinner is on me!

5).  What did the paper say to the pencil?   It’s been nice writing to you.

6).   What did the elephant say to the tennis player?   That’s a mighty big serve you have!

7).  What did the computer say to the Internet?  I think I’m hooked!

8).   What did the judge say to the robber?   You’re found guilty of stealing my heart.

9).   What did the window say to the curtain?   I’ve been looking for you all day!

10).   Why did the cousin take a job as a baker?  Because she kneaded the dough.

11).   Why did the cousins stop playing cards?  Because they were dealing with too many relatives.

12).   What did the cousin say when asked if he liked his new haircut?   “I’m not sure, it’s still growing on me.”

13).   How do you know if your cousin is a good singer?   They’ll tell you, and then sing off-key.

14).   What do you call two cousins who are always arguing?   Cross-cousins.

15).   Why did the cousin cross the road?  To get to the family reunion on the other side.

16).   What do you call a cousin who’s always borrowing money?  A cousin in debt.

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17).   How do cousins communicate with each other?  By using their kin-nections.

18).   Why did the cousin wear sunglasses to the family gathering?  Because he didn’t want to be recognized by his relatives.

19).   What do you call a cousin who’s always telling bad jokes?  A pun cousin.

Cousin Jokes Funny

20).  Why did the cousin refuse to go to the family reunion?   He didn’t want to be a part of a family that took “relatives” seriously.

21).   What do you call a cousin who’s always on the phone?   A tele-cousin.

22).    Why did the cousins go to the amusement park?   To ride the roller-coaster of emotions.

23).   Why did the cousin go to jail?   Because he was caught kissing his cousin.

24).   What do you call a cousin who is also your best friend?   A cousintimate.

25).   Why did the cousin break up with his girlfriend?   Because they were too closely related.

26).   What do you call a group of cousins who like to hang out together?   A cousin-vention.

27).   Why did the cousin break up with his girlfriend?   Because he found out she was his second cousin twice removed.

28).   What do you call a cousin who always gets lost?   A lost cousin.

29).  Why did the cousin refuse to eat at the family reunion?   Because he was already stuffed with family drama.

30).  What do you call a cousin who is good at math?   A cosine.

31).   Why did the cousins break up with each other?   Because they were kissing cousins!

32).   What do you call a group of cousins who love to dance?  The Cousin Boogie!

33).   Why did the cousin refuse to eat the lasagna?  Because it was pasta-tively disgusting!

34).   What did one cousin say to the other when they saw a UFO?   “Look, it’s a flying saucer!”

35).   Why did the cousins take their pet snake to the vet?  Because it had a hiss-terical fit!

36).   What do you call a cousin who’s always borrowing money?   A Cousin Debt!

37).   Why did the cousins go to the gym?  To work on their family fitness!

38).   How do you know if your cousin is a magician?   They always disappear when it’s time to pay the bill!

39).   What do you call a cousin who’s an artist?   A Van Gogh-getter!

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 40).   Why did the cousin go to the doctor?   Because he had a relative cough!

41).   What do you call a cousin who’s a magician?   Cousin-sleight-of-hand!

42).   Why did the cousin take his girlfriend to the family reunion?   So he could introduce her to all his cousins and see if she was still interested after meeting them!

Funny Cousin Jokes

43).   Why did the cousin get into a fight with his shadow?   Because it kept following him around.

44).   Why did the cousin bring a ladder to the family reunion?  To climb the family tree.

45).   What do you call a cousin who is always borrowing money?   A loan ranger.

46).   What do you call a cousin who’s always making bad jokes?   A pun-ishment.

47).   Why did the cousin go to the doctor?   Because he was a little horse.

48).   What do you call a cousin who’s always on the phone?  A ring leader.

49).   Why did the cousin break up with her boyfriend?  Because he was a distant relative.

50).  What do you call a cousin who’s always telling tall tales?  A fib cousin.

51).   Why did the cousin get in trouble at school?  Because he was caught horsing around.

52).   What do you call a cousin who’s always late?  A tardy cousin.

53).   Why did the cousin cross the road?   To get to the family reunion on the other side.

64).   What do you call a cousin who’s always dancing?  A twirl cousin.

55).   Why did the cousin bring a fishing pole to the family reunion?   To catch up with his relatives.

56).   What do you call a cousin who’s always lost?   A directionless cousin.

57).   Why did the cousin go to the doctor?   Because he had a case of the “cousins.”

58).   What do you call a cousin who’s always arguing?   A dispute cousin.

59).   Why did the cousin go to the gym?   To work on his family muscles.

60).   What do you call a cousin who’s always playing video games?   A joystick cousin.

61).   Why did the cousin get in trouble with the law?   Because he was involved in some kin-d of mischief.

62).   What do you call a cousin who’s always singing?  A melodious cousin.

63).   Why did the cousin bring a dictionary to the family reunion?  To look up his relatives.

64).   What do you call a cousin who’s always eating?  A snack cousin.

Jokes on Cousins

65).   What did the vampire cousin say to the other vampire cousin?  “Do you want to suck blood together?”

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66).   Why did the cousin go to the library? To find out what book relatives are reading.

67).   Why was the cousin so excited about getting a new computer?  He thought it would help him keep in touch with his distant relatives.

68).   What did the cousin say when his cousin asked him to help with a project?   “I’m all in, cousin!”

69).   Why did the cousin go to the store?   To get supplies for a family reunion.

70).   What did the cousin say when his cousin asked him for advice?   “You can’t go wrong with family advice!”

71).   Why did the cousin go to the beach?   He wanted to find the biggest wave for a family photo.

82).   What did the cousin say when his cousin said he was bored?   “Let’s go on a family adventure!”

83).   What did the cousin say when his cousin asked him for help?   “I’m here for you, cousin!”

84).   What did the cousin say when he saw his cousin playing a board game?  “Let the family fun begin!”

85).  What did the cousin say when his cousin asked him to do something?  “I’m happy to help the family!”

86).   What did the cousin say when his cousin asked him to go to the movies?   “Let’s have a family movie night!”

87).  What did the cousin say when his cousin asked him to go to the park?   “Let’s have a family picnic!”

88).   What did the cousin say when his cousin asked him to go swimming?   “Let’s take the whole family for a dip!”

Final Thoughts

To sum up, funny jokes about cousins can be a great way to bond with family members and lighten the mood during family gatherings. They can also serve as a reminder of the unique relationships and experiences that come with having cousins.

However, it is important to ensure that the jokes remain appropriate and respectful to avoid offending anyone. Whether it’s sharing jokes or simply spending time together, cherishing the relationships with our cousins can bring great joy and laughter to our lives.

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