100 Captions for Rainy Day Photos and Videos

Rain Captions: A rainy day has its own kind of beauty. The rainy season comes as a welcome relief after the heat and dust of the summer. Make the most out of the beautiful rainy season by captioning all the rainy day selfies and pictures of yourself you take in this amazing time. To help you get the best rain captions for Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat photos here we showcase some sweet, romantic and funny rainy day captions. Find the perfect caption for your selfies, photos, and videos from our well-furnished happy rainy season caption gallery.

Rain Captions

Happy rain day.

Rain, rain, don’t go away. Stay and play another day!

A life without rain is like the sun without shade.

Some people walk in the rain and others just get wet.

If I had a rain prayer or a rain dance I could do, I would do it.

A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.

Some people feel the rain and others just get wet.

A rainy day is like a lovely gift — you can sleep late and not feel guilty.

I love falling asleep to the sound of rain.

A rainy day is a special gift to readers.

If people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane.

Never lose hope. The darkest clouds precede the loveliest rain!

Some people like watching sunsets, I like watching rain and lightning.

Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams.

If you want the rainbow you have to deal with the rain.

I love the rain. It’s my favorite weather.

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.

The stronger the thunder, the heavier the rainfall.

When life gives you a rainy day… Play in the puddles.

Thunder clouds do not always give rain.

Rain Captions For Instagram

Live to the rhythm of the rain.

Shower my spirit and water my soul.

The sound of the rain needs no translation.

Rainy days, Good books and a cup of hot coffee.

I like it when it rains and I can hear the raindrops.

The question is not what you look at, but what you see.

Keep calm and love rainy days.

The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.

A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods.

Being soaked alone is cold. Being soaked with your best friend is an adventure.

Rainy days are perfect days to cuddle and watch movies.

Those who say sunshine brings happiness have never danced in the rain.

Oh, how I love rainy days and the happy way I feel inside.

A rainy day at the beach is better than a sunny day at the office.

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Rain Captions for Selfies

Read these rain captions which are too cute to make a match with your rainy day selfies. It will help you to preserve some memories with the cutest pictures of yourself on your Instagram or Facebook timeline. Show your love and attraction about this cool and charming rainy season.

Let a smile be your umbrella on a rainy day.

Thy fate is the common fate of all; Into each life, some rain must fall.

I’m singing in the rain, just singing in the rain; What a wonderful feeling, I’m happy again.

I love the rain. I want the feeling of it on my face.

The summer sun was not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belonged to the rain.

Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.

Everybody wants happiness, and nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm but to add color to my sunset sky.

Rainy days are perfect for cuddling up with a warm blanket, my laptop, a good book, the remote and a nice cup of something warm!

Cute and Romantic Rain Captions

The lover’s heart is always like rain. It has something special that makes the heart go more romantic. That sweet earthy smell, the tiny droplets hanging on to leaves, the thundering sound of the rain, and the wind in the hair, everything about the rainy season is love at first sight! If you are also thrilled by the rain then you’ll definitely love these Romantic Rain Captions and quotes to post on Instagram or Facebook with your photos.

And I fell for you like raindrops.

Every drop of rain is singing “I love you, I love you, I love you!

This rain makes me miss you even more.

Rain, rain, please don’t go away, I like splashing around in your puddles.

If people were like rain, I was like drizzle and she was a hurricane.

Don’t threaten me with love, baby. Let’s just go walking in the rain.

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

Rain is not only drops of water. It’s the love of the sky for the earth. They never meet each other but send love this way.

I believe in running through the rain and crashing into the person you love and having your lips bleed on each other.

The sound of the rain needs no translation.

The person who dances with you in the rain will most likely walk with you in the storms.

If I were rain, That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch, Could I join two hearts as well?

Oh my love, it’s you that I dream of, Oh my love, since that day somewhere in my heart I’m always dancing with you in the summer rain.

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Snapchat Caption For Rain

Keep calm and love rainy days.

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday.

I like people who smile when it’s raining.

Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul.

I love falling asleep to the sound of rain.

Without rain, there is no life.

If you think it’s going to rain, it will.

Tears fall in my heart like the rain on the town.

I love the smell of rain, and I love the sound of the ocean waves.

Rain is nature’s way of washing the world clean.

Oh, come forth into the storm and rout and be my love in the rain.

Soul mate and rain are the perfect combinations.

I feel most at peace when it is raining for it reminds me that the sky is alive.

Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.

I need the seasons to live to the rhythm of rain and sun.

Funny Rain Captions

For some people rain comes with lots of fun. The cloudy sky and the sound of the pitter-patter of rain on the ground make them feel light-hearted and joyful. If you are one of them then these funny rain captions will make you more satisfied. You may use these funny rain captions for the rainy day selfies or photos that you snap enjoying the rain.

If you pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too.

People run from the rain but sit in bathtubs full of water.

Save a boyfriend for a rainy day – and another, in case it doesn’t rain.

So it’s raining, you aren’t sugar you won’t melt so enjoy it.

If there were no thunder, men would have little fear of lightning.

Rainy days give people like me a special kind of motivation- the motivation to do absolutely nothing.

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.

Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.

Dear Sun, I know you’re up there hiding behind the clouds. Hide and seek is over, let’s have some sunshine!

Is there ever a better time to watch your favorite flicks than on those thundery days?

People say that they love the rain but then they take cover when it starts to pour on them.

You’re never too old to jump in the puddles and splash in the rain.

I always feel sorry for people who think more about a rainy day ahead than sunshine today.

Don’t forget to dance in the rain!

Do not, on a rainy day, ask your child what he feels like doing, because I assure you that what he feels like doing, you won’t feel like watching.

Inspiring Rain Captions

Some are in love with the rain and some just hate it. It’s a beautiful part of nature, so everyone should enjoy it raining. Sometimes rain can be a hassle when trying to commute to work and help to make one lazy but its very helpful for the crop to grow. So, there is a need for inspiring rain captions to take it positively.

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Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.

Every heartache will fade away, just like every storm runs out of the rain.

And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.

Heavy rain showers remind me of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain. Instead, pray for a better umbrella.

Life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about Learning To Dance In The Rain.

One thing a mother must always save for a rainy day is patience.

The rain cools the air, calms the soul and replenishes life.

Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness, has never danced in the rain.

Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.

There’s nothing better than curling up with a good book on rainy days.

I’ve always found the rain very calming.

I love rain. It’s lucky, I always think.

Emotional Rain Captions

When it rains it can cause people to feel a wide range of emotions. Sometimes it brings feelings of happiness and excitement. But most often the feelings can vary from thoughtful and pensive to calm and serene. What do you feel when it rain? Read through this list of touchy quotes about rain and emotional rain captions to express what you feel.

Rain is always an emotion. An emotional love.

Tears are the body’s raindrops of emotion.

I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying.

All was silent as before, all silent save the dripping rain.

Just know I’m right here hoping, That you’ll come in with the rain.

I open up the curtains/ To hear the thunder and the rain.

For lonely people, rain is a chance to be touched.

I love the rain – it washes memories off the sidewalk of life.

The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house. All that cold, cold, wet day.

One can find so many pains when the rain is falling.

Would you light the night and make the sunshine rain/ Would you take it all and make it alright?

After the rain, the sun will reappear. There is life. After the pain, the joy will still be here.

The drop of rain maketh a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling.

Enjoy the rain to fullest! After all, a rainy day is better for dancing in the rain, being cuddled up in a warm blanket, sipping hot coffee and watching movies and the drops fall from your window. Also, it’s a great chance to post your photos along with rain captions on your Instagram and Facebook timelines. Feel free to use these captions for your rainy day photos and make your day memorable over cyberspace.